hello, friends!

newest posts……


why can’t humans simply accept the body they were born with?

did god create man, or did man create god?


earth really has created a beautiful world for us to live in……

but humanity has created a society which thrives on exploiting and destroying that very life source…

this site exists to encourage humanity to remember, and respect, their existence as just one of many species sharing this planet.

zee discusses feelings you may have, and what you can do with them.

issues reveals some of human society’s mistakes, which need to be corrected.

photos is for when you need a wildlife break!

pot-pourri is just a little of this, and a little of that…..

welcome to our site! will tell you a little more about us….

and let’s talk! is where you can reach out and contact us.

please enjoy exploring our site.

our fondest hope is that you will find a smile here, and maybe a little more hope for the future!


be an angel…..

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